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Publicaciones científicas

Hernández-Mejía, S. & Moreno-García, E. (2025). Ahorro para emergencias, la inclusión y la educación financiera en México. Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas, Nueva Época. (In press).

Manrique, M., Salazar-Núñez, H.F. & Moreno-García, E. (2025). Impacto de las variables sociodemográficas en los niveles de alfabetización financiera en México, Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas, Nueva Época. (In press).

Moreno-García, E. & Hernández-Mejía, S. (2025). Alfabetización financiera y ahorro para el retiro de los mexicanos durante la pandemia de Covid-19. Contaduría y Administración, 70(2), 1-25.

Culebro-Martínez, R., Moreno-García, E. & Hernández-Mejía, S. (2024). Financial Literacy of Entrepreneurs and Companies’ Performance. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 17, 63.

Moreno-García, E., Hernández-Mejía, S. & Salazar-Núñez, H.F. (2024). Financial Literacy and Financial Fragility in Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas, Nueva Época, 19(1), 1-21.

Moreno-García, E. (2023). Internet Banking Service Perception in Mexico. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 16(8), 364.

Moreno-García, E., Molchanova, V. & García-Santillán, A. (2023). Behavior Towards Personal Monetary Resources: A Study on WhatsApp and Facebook Users. International Journal of Media and Information Literacy, 8(2), 339-349.

Hernández-Mejía, S., & Moreno-García, E. (2023). Financial literacy and retirement planning in Mexico. Economics and Sociology, 16(3), 65-81.

Flores-Bañuelos, M., Hernández-Mejía, M. & Molchanova, V. (2023). Educational Level and its Relationship with Digital Marketing and Internet Skills: A Study in Latina Women Entrepreneurs. European Journal of Contemporary Education. 12(3), 826-837.

Tejada-Peña, E., Hernández-Mejía, S., Molchanova, V. & García-Santillán, A. (2023). Financial Literacy on High School Students. How is Their Performance if Study and Work? European Journal of Contemporary Education, 12(2), 646-654.

Moreno-García, E., Larracilla-Salazar, N. & García-Santillán, A. (2022). Financial Education in School of Business Students: Case Study from Veracruz, Mexico. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 11(4), 1164-1175.

Moreno-García, E., García-Santillán, A. & Martínez, D. (2022). Empirical Study on Financial Knowledge among High School Students in Veracruz. International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 5(3), 162-169.

Hernández-Mejía, S., García-Santillán, A. & Moreno-García, E. (2022). Financial literacy and its relationship with sociodemographic variables. Economics & Sociology, 15(1), 40-55.

Valencia-Márquez, L., Escalera-Chávez, M.E. & Moreno-García, E. (2022). Mathematical Skills Demand for Financial Decision Making in Companies. TEM Journal, 11(3). 1385-1390.

Rojas-Kramer, C. A., Larracilla-Salazar, N. & Baraya, A. R. (2022). Math Anxiety: Its Characterization and Its Conceptual Model. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 11(3), 873-884.

Hernández-Mejía, S., García-Santillán, A. & Moreno-García, E. (2021). Financial literacy and the use of credit cards in Mexico. Journal of International Studies, 14(4), 97-112.

Manrique, G., Escalera-Chávez, M.E. & Moreno-García, E. (2021), Formal and Informal Savings Habits and Income Levels: A Case Study in Mexico. International Journal of Financial Research, 12(5), 1-9.

Moreno-García, E., García-Santillán, A. & Plata, D. (2021). Students Perception About Digital Financial Services. International Journal of Financial Research, 12(4), 212-224.

McKenzie, R., Luna, R., Moreno-García, E. & Baraya, A. (2021). Undergraduate Perceptions of Economic Problems in Mexico. European Journal of Business and Management Research, 6(1).

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